The Aesthetic Midwife


Body Contouring & FAT MELTING (Emsculpt)

Revolutionary, non invasive, body sculpting. work and tone muscleS & loose Fat.

THIS MACHINE USES high-intensity electromagnetic pulses to STIMULATE muscular contractions. To the equivalent OF 20,000 cONTRACTIONS in 30 minuteS.

These CONTRACTIONS strengthen muscle fibers in a previously impossible amount of time.

Fat loss is actually just a welcome (and proven) side effect. WITH UP TO 19% LOSS PER COURSE OF 8 SESSIONS.

Can be used on most parts of the body to tone and strengthen muscle groups

body contouring weight management

Cost of treatment

A course of 8 sessions done twice a week is recommended for initial Muscle training

per any muscle group abs/back/buttocks/arms/shoulders/thighs/hips/

30 min session
£ 0
Course of 8 sessions (paid upfront)
£ 0

(save £80)